Starting a new year can be daunting but it can also be a breath of fresh air as you realize that you can start anew and look to the year ahead.
Traditionally, people all over the world make new years resolutions and up to 80% don’t end up sticking with it until the end of the month.
New years resolutions don’t have to be about ‘eating better’ or ‘cutting that out they can be much more mindful and reflective. These types of resolutions are much more likely to stick around.
This can also apply to children. Instead of looking at it as a negative; ‘what didn’t you succeed in doing last year.’ Turn it into a positive and ask your child ‘can you think of ten things that you feel most proud of last year.’ This starts to build a positive idea around growth and development.
You could also ask them if there is anything they would like to achieve this year. You may get some more unrealistic answers, but it is all about maintaining that positive attitude and focusing on a positive outlook.
This can also be applied to yourself, as an adult. Once you have all drafted some ideas, write them all down on a small piece of paper and pin them to the fridge or on a notice board. The resolutions shouldn’t feel restrictive and so having them there will be a gentle reminder, but ultimately, they are uplifting and achievable goals for you all to achieve in the new year.